Grandmaster’s Masonic Journey began in the year of 1990 under the Most Honorable Grandmaster Edward Martin Hunter, 33rd. (Now deceased). He was first initiated in Abram Masonic Lodge #7. Once he was raised from a dead level to a living perpendicular Worshipful Master James Harkless appointed and assigned him to the South as the Junior Warden. He excelled in Abram Lodge #7 and once Grandmaster Hunter saw the talent, knowledge and leadership ability that was in our Grandmaster, one year later Grandmaster Hunter asked Bro. A.E. Robertson to get him 7 men and start a lodge of his own. Once he found his 7 men a Charter was issued under the Most Worshipful Abraham Masonic Grand Lodge in Houston, Texas to start the Lodge name Elijah Masonic Lodge #6. The first officers of this lodge was A. E. Robertson as the Worshipful Master, Bro. Ralph Myles as the Senior Warden, Bro. Kirk Alfred as the Junior Warden, Bro. Reginald White as the Secretary, and Bro. Michael Brown as the Treasurer. From that point Elijah Lodge #6 begin building a lodge in the city of approximately 200 plus men. The word started spreading about the lodge and the great things they were doing in the community. Trips to Mexico, Community Picnics that fed the third ward community free of charge amongst making other positive impact to the Houston area. Other lodges began to connect with Elijah Lodge and a fellowship had begun with other brothers and sisters throughout Houston. During this time within another year Grandmaster Hunter had a meeting with A. E. Robertson who had become the youngest 33rd Degree Mason in the State of Texas, City of Houston, at age 26. Finally Grandmaster Hunter asked A. E. Robertson to step down from being Worshipful Master of Elijah Lodge and to become his Deputy Grand Master of Most Worshipful Abraham Masonic Grand Lodge. As the newly appointed Deputy Grand Master, A. E. Robertson continued to be a great leader and brought another local lodge in under the Grand Lodge which was African American Masonic Lodge that met in Hiram Clarke. Brothers Weston Jarvis, Leonard Polk and other brothers was now under the Grand Lodge. In 1996 A. E. Robertson had gotten busy with ministry and began traveling speaking, singing, etc. and Bro. Weston Jarvis became Deputy Grand Master of M. W. Abraham Grand Lodge. Under the Grand Lodge and Grandmaster Hunter, Grandmaster Robertson has served as the Commander in Chief of Issac Consistory, Potentate of Abbysenia Shrine Temple, and was also voted in as the Chief Raban for North and South America under Grandmaster Hunter’s leadership. His Masonic travels is great and most all Grandmasters in the City of Houston, Texas knows him. We are proud to have Dr. A. E. Robertson, 33rd Degree as our earthy Grandmaster of Aziz Masonic Grand Lodge of Texas & Royal Empress Grand Chapter OES of Texas, Inc. This is the history of our Grandmaster. Let the records show.
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Phone: 713-992-5575